In the last 90 days, 16 single detached homes have sold via the MLS® system in Charlesworth community in South East Edmonton.
The selling price ranged from $320,000 to $640,000. The average selling price was $432,981, $245 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $447,038. It took 42 days for these Charlsworth houses to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,821 sq.ft. and built in 2009. 14 of the sold homes were 2 Storey, 1 bungalow, and 1 Bi-levels.

All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton.
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Blog Author: Derek Hulewicz, REALTOR® at RE/MAX Real Estate Edmonton phone: 780-220-4224