Since June of 2024 till today, total of 27 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® system in Tamarack community, Southeast Edmonton.
The selling price ranged from $410,000 to $705,000. The average selling price was $510,394 and 317 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $517,759. It took on average 30 days for these Tamarack residential properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,654 sq.ft. and built in 2011. 21 of the homes were two storey, 5 bi-levels and 1 split level. 16 had finished basements, 1 partially and 10 unfinished. The quickest sale took place in 6 day and the longest in 88 days.
All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton and Derek Hulewicz Your Tamarack Realtor with Remax Real Estate!

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Blog Author: Derek Hulewicz, REALTOR® at RE/MAX Real Estate Edmonton phone: 780-220-4224