July 2021

Found 9 blog entries for July 2021.

homes sold in richfield

In the last 6 months, total of 13 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Richfield community, Southeast Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $255,000 to $472,500. The average selling price was $358,304/276 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $359,919. It took on average 12 days for these Richfield residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,314 sq.ft. and built in 1974. 6 of the homes were bungalows, 3 two storey, 2 split levels and 1 bi-level. They all had finished basements. The quickest sale took place same day and the longest in 48 days.

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Rhatigan Ridge real estate sales data

In the last 6 months, total of 26 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Rhatigan Ridge community, Southwest Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $448,000 to $898,000. The average selling price was $645,221/281 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $639,050. It took on average 18 days for these Rathigan Ridge residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 2,349 sq.ft. and built in 1988. 17 of the homes were two storey, 4 bungalows and 5 split levels. 16 had finished basements, 1 partially and 7 unfinished. The quickest sale took place in one day and the longest in 143 days.

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Homes Recently Sold In Rapperswill!

In the last 6 months, total of 26 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Rapperswill community, Northwest Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $350,000 to $595,000. The average selling price was $477,124/255 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $483,779. It took on average 30 days for these Rapperswill residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,892 sq.ft. and built in 2013. 24 of the homes were two storey, 1 bungalow and 1 bi-level. 12 had finished basements and 14 unfinished. The quickest sale took place in one day and the longest in 202 days.

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Homes Recently Sold In Ramsay Heights! 

In the last 6 months, total of 14 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Ramsay Heights community, Southwest Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $470,000 to $890,000. The average selling price was $611,839/268 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $619,893. It took on average 24 days for these Ramsay Heights residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 2,380 sq.ft. and built in 1982. 10 of the homes were two storey, 3 bungalows and 1 split level. 10 had finished basements, 2 partially and 2 unfinished. The quickest sale took place same day and the longest in 95 days.

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Homes Sold In Queen Mary Park

In the last 12 months, total of 19 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Queen Mary Park community, Central Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $222,500 to $557,250. The average selling price was $349,961/313 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $360,137. It took on average 29 days for these Queen Mary Park residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,175 sq.ft. and built in 1950. 11 of the homes were bungalows, 6 storey and a half and 1 two storey. 13 had finished basements, 5 partially and 1 unfinished. The quickest sale took place in two days and the longest in 125 days.

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Homes Recently Sold In Queen Alexandra!

In the last 90 days, total of 17 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Queen Alexandra community, South Central Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $275,000 to $885,000. The average selling price was $477,265/386 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $483,827. It took on average 39 days for these Queen Alexandra residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,290 sq.ft. and built in 1954. 8 of the homes were bungalows, 8 two storey and 1 storey and a half. 12 had finished basements, 5 partially, 1 unfinished and 1 no basement. The quickest sale took place in one day and the longest in 146 days.

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Pollard Meadows Housing Sales Report!

In the last 12 months, total of 21 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Pollard Meadows community, South East Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $225,900 to $420,500. The average selling price was $325,640/275 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $333,446. It took on average 30 days for these Pollard Meadows residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,211 sq.ft. and built in 1980. 10 of the homes were bungalows, 5 split levels, 3 bi-levelsand 2 two storey. 15 had finished basements and 5 partially. The quickest sale took place same day and the longest in 202 days.

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Homes Recently Sold In Pleasantview

In the last 6 months, total of 25 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Pleasantview community, South West Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $305,000 to $990,000. The average selling price was $555,079/381 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $571,246. It took on average 51 days for these Pleasantview residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,532 sq.ft. and built in 1975. 15 of the homes were bungalows, 8 two storey and 2 storey and a half. 19 had finished basements, 2 partially, 3 unfinished and 1 no basement. The quickest sale took place in one day and the longest in 164 days.

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Homes Recently Sold In Parkview!

In the last 6 months, total of 23 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® real estate system in Parkview community, West Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $402,500 to $2,999,000. The average selling price was $856,166/462 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $884,617. It took on average 35 days for these Parkview residential real estate properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,887 sq.ft. and built in 1971. 1=3 of the homes were bungalows, 9 two storey and 1 split level. 22 had finished basements and 1 unfinished. The quickest sale took place same day and the longest in 147 days.

If you would like to know which home have sold, for what price, and in how many days in Parkview, click >>> Homes

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