Edmonton Daily Real Estate Stats

Daily statistics on real estate sold in Edmonton in the last 24 hours including information on new listings and price changes

Found 16 blog entries about Edmonton Daily Real Estate Stats.

beaumaris homes by the lake, edmonton alberta

Since March 1 of 2024 till today, total of 18 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® system in Beaumaris community, Northwest Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $395,000 to $740,000. The average selling price was $507,812 and 283 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $513,360. It took on average 30 days for these Beaumaris residential properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,846 sq.ft. and built in 1984. 8 of the homes were 2 storey, 6 bungalows, 3 bi-level and 1 split-level. 13 had finished basements and 5 partially finished. The quickest sale took place in 3 days and the longest in 137 days.

If you would like to know which home have sold, for what price, and in how many days in Beaumaris,

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In the last 60 days, total of 26 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® system in Cumberland, carton, Hudson and Oxford communities, Northwest Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $360,000 to $690,500. The average selling price was $507,308/281 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $514,150. It took on average 29 days for these Northwest residential properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 1,859 sq.ft. and built in 2005. 20 of the homes were 2 storey, 2 bungalows, 1 bi-level and 1 split-level. 16 had finished basements and 8 unfinished. The quickest sale took place in 2 days and the longest in 105 days.

If you would like to know which home have sold, for what price, and in how many days in

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Since January of 2024 till today, total of 11 single detached residential homes have sold via the MLS® system in Albany community, Northwest Edmonton.

The selling price ranged from $540,000 to $695,000. The average selling price was $607,536/256 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $620,551. It took on average 24 days for these Albany residential properties to sell. The average size of these sold homes was 2,373 sq.ft. and built in 2013. All of the homes were 2 Storey. 7 had finished basements and 4 unfinished. The quickest sale took place in 8 days and the longest in 51 days.

If you would like to know which home have sold, for what price, and in how many days in Albany, click >>> Homes Sold in Albany Community <<<  Absolutely FREE & NO

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weekly real estate update

In the last 7 days, 791 listings came onto the market in Edmonton. These properties ranged in price from $56,900, condo in Boyle Street, to $3,498,000, two storey home in Windermere. 442 properties have changed their price and 475 have sold. 184 have gone pending and 45 open houses took place.

All the information here has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton.

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In the last 24 hours, total of 58 residential properties have been entered as sold via the MLS® system in Edmonton. 101 new listing were added, 64 price changes, and 12 open house.

The selling price ranged from $85,500 to $990,000. The average selling price was $363,909, $274 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $374,453. It took average 52 days for these Edmonton properties to sell. The average size of the sold properties was 1,346 sq.ft. and built in 1990. The quickest sale occurred in 10 day and the longest in 446.

All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton.

real estate stats for edmonton homes sold in the last 24 hours

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In the last 24 hours, total of 46 residential properties have been entered as sold via the MLS® system in Edmonton. 97 new listing were added, 70 price changes, and 128 open house.

The selling price ranged from $70,200 to $783,800. The average selling price was $351,120, $256 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $361,193. It took average 75 days for these Edmonton properties to sell. The average size of the sold properties was 1,385 sq.ft. and built in 1997. The quickest sale occurred in 4 day and the longest in 637.

All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton.

real estate stats for properties sold in the lats 24 hours in edmonton

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In the last 24 hours, total of 43 residential properties have been entered as sold via the MLS® system in Edmonton. 94 new listing were added, 47 price changes, and 4 open house.

The selling price ranged from $48,000 to $1,400,000. The average selling price was $401,732, $265 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $420,096. It took average 53 days for these Edmonton properties to sell. The average size of the sold properties was 1,386 sq.ft. and built in 1985. The quickest sale occurred in 1 day and the longest in 276.

All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton.

edmonton real estate stas for march 20 of 2019

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In the last 24 hours, total of 45 residential properties have been entered as sold via the MLS® system in Edmonton. 94 new listing were added, 46 price changes, and 5 open house.

The selling price ranged from $45,000 to $690,000. The average selling price was $340,172, $245 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $351,395. It took average 70 days for these Edmonton properties to sell. The average size of the sold properties was 1,258 sq.ft. and built in 1985. The quickest sale occurred in 4 day and the longest in 308.

All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton.

real estate stast for homes sold in edmonton on march 12 of 2019

Edmonton Real Estate Stats For March 12 of 2019 brought to you by Derek Hulewicz Remax Select

822 Views, 0 Comments

In the last 24 hours, total of 40 residential properties have been entered as sold via the MLS® system in Edmonton. 78 new listing were added, 35 price changes, and 114 open house.

The selling price ranged from $95,000 to $560,000. The average selling price was $311,923, $245 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $323,932. It took average 72 days for these Edmonton properties to sell. The average size of the sold properties was 1,258 sq.ft. and built in 1985. The quickest sale occurred in 12 day and the longest in 342.

All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton.

real estate statistics for homes sold in edmonton in february 22 of 2019

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In the last 24 hours, total of 43 residential properties have been entered as sold via the MLS® system in Edmonton. 58 new listing were added, 32 price changes, and 1 open house.

The selling price ranged from $65,000to $638,000. The average selling price was $316,606, $266 per sq.foot, while the average list price was $324,371. It took average 86 days for these Edmonton properties to sell. The average size of the sold properties was 1,193 sq.ft. and built in 1986. The quickest sale occurred in 7 day and the longest in 380.

All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton

real estate stats for homes sold in edmonton for february 12 of 2019

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