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Central Edmonton
Zones: 11,12,13
Zones: 4,7,8
Central McDougall | Prince Rupert | |
Spruce Avenue | Westwood |
Zones: 5,9
Alberta Avenue | Delton | Eastwood |
Elmwood Park | Parkdale | Belleveu |
Cromdale | Highlands | Virginia Park |
South Central Edmonton
Zones: 15
Garneau | Strathcona | Windsor Park |
Belgravia | McKernan | Queen Alexandra |
Parkallen | Allendale | Pleasantview |
Lendrum Place | Empire Park | Grandview Heights |
Lansdowne | Malmo Plains |
Zones : 17
King Edward Park | Ritchie | Argyll |
Avonmore | Hazeldean |
Zones: 18
Bonnie Doon | Cloverdale | Idylwylde |
Holyrood | Kenilworth | Ottewell |
Strathearn |
Zones: 19
Capilano | Gold Bar | Forest Heights |
Fulton place | Terrace Heights |
West Edmonton
Zones: 10 & 21
Crestwood | Laurier Heights | Parkview |
Britannia Youngstown | Canora | Grovenor |
High Park | Mayfield | McQueen |
Zones: 22
Elmwood | Glenwood | Jasper Park |
Lynnwood | Meadowlark Park | Patricia Heights |
Rio Terrace | Oleskiw | Sherwood |
Quesnell Heights | West Jasper Place | Westridge |
Zones: 20
Aldergrove | Belmead | Callingwood |
Cameron Heights | Dechene | Gariepy |
Jamieson Place | La Perle | Lymburn |
Orsmby Place | Summerlea | Terra Losa |
Thorncliffe | Wedgewood Heights |
Zones: 58
Breckenridge Greens | Glastonbury | Granville |
Potter Greens | Rosenthal | Secord |
Stewart Greens | Suder Greens | The Hamptons |
Webber Greens | Lewis Estates |
North West Edmonton
Zones: 01
Athlone | Calder | Kensington |
Lauderdale | Rosslyn | Wellington |
Zones: 27
Albany | Baranow | Baturyn |
Beaumaris | Caenarvon | Canossa |
Carlisle | Carlton | Chambery |
Cumberland | Dunluce | Griesbach |
Hudson | Lorelei | Oxford |
Pembina | Palisades | Rapperswill |
Zones: 59
Hawks Ridge | Kinglet Gardens | Starling |
Trumpeter Area |
North East Edmonton
Zones: 2
Balwin | Belvedere | Casselman |
Delwood | Evansdale | Ebbers |
Glengarry | Killarney | Kilkenny |
Kildare | McLeod | Miller |
Northmount | York |
Zones: 28, 3 & 51
Belle Rive | Brintnell | Cy Becker |
Crystallina Nera | Eaux Claires | Hollick Kenyon |
Klarvatten | Lago Lindo | Mayliewan |
Matt Berry | McConachie | Ozerna |
Schonsee | Marquis |
Zones: 6,23,35
Abbottsfield | Bannerman | Belmont |
Bergman | Beacon Heights | Beverly Heights |
Clareview | Fraser | Hairsine |
Kernohan | Kirkness | Montrose |
Newton | Overlanders | Rundle Heights |
Sifton Park |
South West Edmonton
Zones: 14
Brander Gardens | Bulyea Heights | Carter Crest |
Falconer Heights | Henderson Estates | Haddow |
Hodgson | Leger | Ogilvie Ridge |
Ramsay Heights | Rhatigan Ridge | MacTaggart |
Magrath Heights | Terwillegar |
Zones: 16
Aspen Gardens | Bearspaw | Blue Quill |
Duggan | Ermineskin | Greenfield |
Keheewin | Rideau Park | Royal Gardens |
Steinhauer | Skyrattler | Sweet Grass |
Twin Brooks | Blue Quill Estates |
Zones: 55,56
Allard | Ambleside | Blackburne |
Blackmud Creek | Callaghan | Chapelle |
Cavanagh | Desrochers | Glenridding |
Heritage Valley | Macewan | Richfold |
Paisley | Rutherford | Windermere |
Zones : 57
Edgemont | Riverview Area | Stillwater |
South East Edmonton
Zones: 29 Millwoods
Zones: 52,53,54
Charlesworth | Ellerslie | Orchards At Ellerslie |
Summerside | Walker |
Zones: 30
Aster | ||
Larkspur | Laurel | Maple |
Silver Berry | Tamarack | Wild Rose |