The average price for a single family detached home in July of 2018 was $436,825 down by 1.44% from last month and down by 2.25% from July of 2017. On the other hand, the condo prices were up by 3.35% at 246,115 from $238,141 last month.
Total of 1,603 residential properties have sold in the 7th month of 2018, 4.47% less than in June and 0.99% less than in same period last year. The inventory decreased to 10,094 residential properties available compared to 10,230 last months and 8,756 in July of 2017. Average Days-On-Market were up by 1 days at 57.
All the information in this article has been provided by Realtors® Association of Edmonton!

Blog Author: Derek Hulewicz, REALTOR® at RE/MAX Real Estate Edmonton phone: 780-220-4224